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"In 2007, Neumark-Sztainer's study in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior indicated that teens in families that watched TV while eating together had a lower-quality diet than children of families that turned off the tube while eating together. Teens watching television ate fewer vegetables, calcium-rich food and grains; they also consumed more soft drinks than their peers who ate meals without the TV on.
And a 2010 study in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition showed that school kids who spent prolonged hours in front of television tend to be overweight or obese. A national sample of adolescents indicated that 64 percent of 11- to 18-year-olds had the TV on during meals.
One reason for the weight gain, Burley says, is that people tend to eat more slowly -- and consume less food -- when they are not glued to the tube."

Bottom Line:
If we turn the TV off, he added, "we can engage others and pay attention to our food. It gets closer to what we all claim our values to be."


About Me

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
I am a medical nutrition therapist with more than twenty years of clinical experience specializing in preventing and treating eating and body weight problems, along with sports nutrition and general wellness. I belive in including the practice of mindful eating as a way to support successful behavior changes which last. I work with my clients in individual sessions, and group programs as well as workshops.

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