Body in Mind Nutrition's Fan Box

You know that I don't believe in "Diets", because:

1-they don't work
2-they set you up for reactive overeating
3-they disconnect you from your Body's own ability to control your eating (if you commit to mindful eating)
4-they many times create harm (disordered eating)

Actually, the list goes on, but I will hush.

I just want to give you a head's up on the latest Fad Diet that everyone is talking about.  I am attaching WebMD's evaluation, which includes statements from well-respected experts in the field.

Don't fall for the Dukan promise of magic!!!


About Me

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
I am a medical nutrition therapist with more than twenty years of clinical experience specializing in preventing and treating eating and body weight problems, along with sports nutrition and general wellness. I belive in including the practice of mindful eating as a way to support successful behavior changes which last. I work with my clients in individual sessions, and group programs as well as workshops.