Body in Mind Nutrition's Fan Box

Being Grateful For Your Body

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Focusing on all of the ways you are grateful for your body rather than your perceived "imperfections" actually pays off!!  We actually have research showing the benefits of the "Acceptance" model which reports that women can more accurately eat when they are hungry and stop when they are satisfied when following this approach!  Finally.....

"the more women are able to focus on the inner workings of their body -- or how their bodies function and feel -- rather than how they appear to others, the more they will appreciate their own bodies.
And the more a woman appreciates her body, the more likely she is to eat intuitively -- responding to physical feelings of hunger and fullness rather than emotions or the mere presence of food.
"Women who focus more on how their bodies function and less on how they appear to others are going to have a healthier, more positive body image and a tendency to eat according to their bodies' needs rather than according to what society dictates,"


About Me

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
I am a medical nutrition therapist with more than twenty years of clinical experience specializing in preventing and treating eating and body weight problems, along with sports nutrition and general wellness. I belive in including the practice of mindful eating as a way to support successful behavior changes which last. I work with my clients in individual sessions, and group programs as well as workshops.