Body in Mind Nutrition's Fan Box

Your Brain without enough Omega-3s-BLUE

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Research continues to support that deficiencies in Omega-3 fatty acids in our diets can result in mood disturbances.  This study gives us another piece to this puzzle.

Bottom Line:  "In conclusion, the authors estimate that their results provide the first biological components of an explanation for the observed correlation between omega-3 poor diets, which are very widespread in the industrialized world, and mood disorders such as depression."


About Me

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
I am a medical nutrition therapist with more than twenty years of clinical experience specializing in preventing and treating eating and body weight problems, along with sports nutrition and general wellness. I belive in including the practice of mindful eating as a way to support successful behavior changes which last. I work with my clients in individual sessions, and group programs as well as workshops.

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