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How much do I feed my baby?

Monday, February 7, 2011

New parents tend to look to health care professionals for answers to questions about what to feed their children.  I believe that we are all born with finely tuned, and precisely accurate, appetite regulation systems that let you know when to eat and when to stop eating.  ( I know this is an unconventional viewpoint, but I refer you to Ellyn Satter's How to Feed Your Kid, But Not Too Much if you would like to learn more!).  But parents, and others in a child's life, tend to get involved and sometimes create a disconnect between the child's appetite and what a child actually eats rather than supporting the child in trusting their body.

Parents cannot determine the number of ounces a child is receiving when a child is breastfed, allowing the parent to follow the child's lead.  This research supports that children who are breastfed, rather than formula fed, have a decreased risk of becoming obese.  Those who are not introduced to solid foods too early (before 4, preferably 6, months) also have a decreased risk.  Support your children in trusting themselves.


About Me

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Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
I am a medical nutrition therapist with more than twenty years of clinical experience specializing in preventing and treating eating and body weight problems, along with sports nutrition and general wellness. I belive in including the practice of mindful eating as a way to support successful behavior changes which last. I work with my clients in individual sessions, and group programs as well as workshops.

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